Who in their wildest dreams, would have ever thought they would need fake matches? Not me. Well, with small Grandchildren, you find you need a lot of things you never needed before.
I recieved this Match Holder years ago,for a gift, and never used any matches with it. I have hung it up near the heating stove during various Christmases, but never ever thought about putting matches in it. They are so tempting to young fingers, and then there is always the chance of them igniting from the heat from the stove. Well, this year, I decided I wanted matches in the little holder,so I set out to find something to use. I had a bottle of fragrance in which the liquid had all evaporated,so I took the wooden sticks from it, and used them. It wasn't until later, that I ran across the bottle of little sticks I had found at a yard sale. Nevertheless, I took a red candle and lit it, then dipped my sticks into the red wax a couple of times each, until they looked like match heads, then I used white craft paint to dip the very tip into.I was very pleased with the results. Wal-lah! Now I know how to make Faux Matches.Double click on the picture, and you can get an up close look. I was not as neat as I should have been with them,but then this was my first try.
indeed who would have thought.
ReplyDeleteproves "it doesnt pay to throw away" there is always a second use for everything
That pretty neat, POP, will try to built a fire with them..