Wednesday, March 30, 2011

From Rags to Riches,From Curtains to Rugs!

From curtain to rug
I have no idea as to how I came into possession of the material I am using to make this little rug, since I get fabric from everywhere. Most usually it has come from a family member, but then I collect things from consignment stores and yard sales and the like. I doubt I would have bought it new, since I hardly ever buy anything new. If I do, it is rare and for something extra special.My family all know that I love fabric, so whenever they have anything they want to part with, they think of me.Then I go through their goody bags and save out the things I want to wear or use in my crafts, then the rest goes to Mom's where the other family members do the same. Whatever is not needed, goes to the church store for folks who have gone through sometime type of crisis and need clothing or linens, etc.
The fabric I am using for my little rug in the picture above, was once a set of home made curtains. I ripped out all the seams, and tore the fabric up into narrow strips.Then I proceeded to crochet my rug. This particular fabric is in several muted shades of pastels and I think it is turning out nicely.Not exactly sure just yet, where I will use it, but it is a bit larger than my usual rugs. I have made  many of these little rugs and have given them away as gifts,but I did fall in love with two in particular and kept them for my own use. I think the colors I used was what prompted me to hold on to those two.They are so nice to have at the entrance doors, and in front of the sink or stove.When they are soiled, just toss them in the laundry with the towels and wash cloths, then lay them flat to dry. They are such a simple little easy to make and care for rug,(if you can crochet any at all,no great knowledge of crocheting necessary).  


  1. i could do this! i have been practising my crochet sue, i made a little bag to put a cake of soap in to use as a scrubby.

  2. I can't crochet yet but I'll get my book out and try.
    I love the look of rag rugs.
    Hope you got your package.

    Thought you might like this site Sue. It reminded me of you when I saw these magnets.

  3. I love the rug! I tried a similar method to make crocheted 'baskets' but the bases didn't lay flat, even when I increased the hook size. How narrow are your strips of fabric and how large a hook do you use?

  4. We did a blog like this too. I love how you can redecorate and take something with memories and change it into something new.
