my first book(excuse my rough nail polish) made using a toilet tissue tube |
It's been awhile since I have posted on this blog, so I thought I would use an idea my sister,Vicki, gave me while she was visiting us,for a spell,here in Kentucky.I have mentioned that I enjoy small projects, many times, and I enjoy making something from things,others would discard. As I was telling her this, I mentioned the fact that I hate to toss out the inner core of the toilet tissue roll. I can think of so many things to do with it. It is such a waste to discard it.That's when she began telling me about making these little books.It was just the kind of project I thought I might enjoy.I experimented with some of my small pieces of fabric, which I have boocoodles of,but it takes such small pieces to make the book covers, I'm sure it will not make a dent in my supply.
I used the tissue core to make this book, but one make others using the boxes from cereal and such.
First,I took the cardboard tube, and rubbed the interior with Elmer's glue, then pressed it flat under a stack of book or something flat and heavy. Once it was dry, I covered it,back and front, with fabric.
cardboard for cover,fabric for outer and interior of cover |
glue outer cover first,then the inner cover,barely overlapping the edge of the outer cover |
After gluing the outer cover, let it dry a bit, then glue the interior cover,which is cut a bit smaller,just enough to overlap the edge of the outer cover.Press as flat as possible, rubbing all of the air bubbles out, then place between 2 sheets of plastic bag,just in case the glue squeezes out,and place under a flat heavy object to dry completely.
Once your little cover is completely dry,fold it perfectly in half, and make your little pages for the inside of your book using white paper,cutting it just the right size,when folded in half,to fit inside the cover.Use a tiny line of glue to secure the pages inside the cover.Hence, you have made an adorable little book.Just big enought to write a message inside, and attach it to a gift for someone special.You can use your imagination to embelish it more,if you wish.
Cute idea Sue.